A Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio is an indicator representing the size of a loan compared to the value of the assets securing the loan. Higher LTV means that the borrower is able to borrow more while locking less of their assets.
How does no-KYC borrowing work?
RociFi doesn't require KYC information like passport data, location info etc. Scoring of borrowers and their eligibility to the under-collateralization is done purely on the analysis of their Web3 transactions.
How do liquidations work on RociFi?
Loans on RociFi are liquidated on maturity date (at the end of the 7- and 30- days loan). Price-based liquidations on RociFi are done by protocol admin and only during the exclusively bad market conditions.
What happens if I don't repay?
Your collateral will be liquidated at the date of maturity + grace period, sold for USDC and be returned to the pool. From the point when your loan is mature (end of loan duration), the interest is 2x more than the standard one. The later you decide to repay, the more interest you are going to pay.
How much do lenders earn?
During August and December of 2022 (bear market), 17% of lenders earned 4% or more on their deposits, while 8% of lenders earned more than 7%. Read more